Email Verified Raziyeh Mohammadi
Member since August 26, 2022

Im a statistician. Im an expert in longitudinal analysis, generalized linear models, and robust regression. Im also interested to learn about survival analysis, and its applications in biostatistics.

I have a Ph.D. in statistics from the Isfahan University of Technology. I am an expert in longitudinal data analysis, linear mixed-effects models, and semiparametric regression. In addition, I am interested in survival analysis and its application in biostatistics.


Bachelor GPA (%)


Master GPA (%)


English Score




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List of Publications (Papers, Book Chapters, Reviews, etc.)

A robust linear mixed-effects model for longitudinal data using an innovative multivariate skew-Huber distribution

A robust linear mixed-effects model for longitudinal data using an innovative multivariate skew-Huber distribution

Robustifying longitudinal data analysis with a novel multivariate Huber distribution

Comprehensive maternal characteristics associated with birth weight: Bayesian modelling in a prospective cohort study from Iran

Association between socioeconomic status and homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance index and mediating variables at the first trimester of pregnancy