Email Verified Movahedi Noghani
Member since March 17, 2024

Tutor @ Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna | Surveying Techniques

I am an architect who thrives in team environments and values the power of
collaboration. I have a strong aptitude for learning quickly and a natural curiosity
that drives me to explore new concepts and ideas.
With a background in art, I bring a unique perspective to my designs and strive for
excellence in every project. Punctuality and organization are key aspects of my
work style, ensuring that deadlines are met and projects are delivered on time. I
have a passion for continuous learning and constantly seek out opportunities to
expand my knowledge and experience. I eagerly embrace challenges and view
them as opportunities for growth and personal development.


Bachelor GPA (%)


Master GPA (%)


IELTS - Academic Score




Academic gap years



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