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We are a dynamic, innovative team in search of new nanoporous materials, fabrication processes and transport processes with utility in water, sensing and energy conversion. For more information about our research can be found on our website: In the context of our research in Functionalized Nanopores in Membrane Separation Processes, we are looking for....

The Quattrocolo group at the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience has an opening for a Ph.D. Candidate in developmental neuroscience. The position is based in the Quattrocolo group, a recently established research group part of the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience. Recently, the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience has been awarded the Centre for Algorithms in....

Nowadays, the advances in learning technologies have introduced a new era that builds and extends their impact in learning, teaching and assessment in new and unanticipated ways. In the 21rst century digital world, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) and especially Computer Science (CS) education appears to be more important than ever before, particularly....

3 PhD positions are available in the research groups of prof. Trude Helen Flo and prof. Terje Espevik at the Centre of Excellence in Molecular Inflammation Research (CEMIR), NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. The Flo group seeks to understand how early cellular responses to pathogens are initiated and regulated in space and time, and how this shape infection outcome. We have....

A PhD position in experimental physics in the field of time-resolved X-ray microscopy is available at at the Department of Physics (NTNU) in close collaboration with Equinor ASA. By joining our team, you will have the opportunity to: Work on advanced time-resolved X-ray computed tomography (CT) Develop state-of-the-art instrumentation and measurement schemes Work towards viable....

The focus of the PhD project is floating membrane structures for the support of solar panels or aquaculture closed cage systems. The membranes are made of flexible polymeric materials that will deform statically when exposed to current loads and dynamically when subjected to waves. The connections to buoyancy elements and stiff solar panels must be carefully designed....

The project will be part of the Hybrid Quantum Chemistry on Hybrid Quantum Computers” project, which has the goal to develop quantum chemistry methods and software that will run on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers. The present project will be concerned with the development of algorithms for the calculation of molecular properties both in the....

The PhD-student will study interactions between phenolics and cellulose nanofibers (CNF) and develop new processing concepts, including enzymatic methods for CNF surface modification. Expression of new enzymes for processing will be done in collaboration with our partners at DTU. The project will comprise an element of gene discovery in organisms that are able to disassemble wood and other....

High-throughput plant phenotyping keeps proving its potential in different areas of crop science and plant breeding and has recently been been suggested as a future means for use in advanced environmental toxicological risk assessment, i.e., as toxicophenomics.  The main aim of environmental risk assessment is to assign magnitudes and probabilities to adverse effects of human....

The increasing number of patients diagnosed with central nervous system disorders calls for novel medicines to treat diseases such as ischemic stroke. Brain drug delivery is, however, a major challenge. Potent therapeutic drugs are developped, but the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) excludes the far majority of these from entering the brain. As one example, is pharmacological treatment....