Applyindex memberships designed to meet your needs
Tips for applicants
Premium Demo Test: Experience the full range of features offered by our Premium and Group memberships (valid for 1 year) with a 1-month demo test for just $4. This is a perfect way to ensure Applyindex meets your needs before committing to a 1-year paid plan.
Group Membership: is a cost-effective option for a team of 3 applicants to use Premium features. You only pay for 2, but you get access for all 3 applicants!
I’m Applicant
I'm Supervisor
Basic Membership
0$ / For lifetimePackage Features:
a-index (PhD) calculation
Supervisors you see
Unlimited -
Supervisors with grants
Add supervisors manually
Notes on supervisors' profiles
Notes on universities' profiles
Recommendation Letter Feature
Positions you apply
50 -
Educations you create
6 -
Promoted Education
Matched to applicants
CV, SoP, SL and CL samples
Lifetime -
Max. Skills you select
Free Membership
0$ / For 1 YearPackage Features:
Max Positions you create
2 -
Promoted Positions
Matched to applicants
Automated shortlisting of applicants
Access to the pool of matched applicants
365 Days
Premium Demo Test
4$ / For 1 MonthPackage Features:
a-index (PhD) calculation
Supervisors you see
Unlimited -
Supervisors with grants
Add supervisors manually
Notes on supervisors' profiles
Notes on universities' profiles
Recommendation Letter Feature
Positions you apply
100 -
Educations you create
6 -
Promoted Education
1 -
Premium -
Matched to applicants
CV, SoP, SL and CL samples
30 Days -
Max. Skills you select
Premium Membership
39$ / For 1 YearPackage Features:
a-index (PhD) calculation
Supervisors you see
Unlimited -
Supervisors with grants
Add supervisors manually
Notes on supervisors' profiles
Notes on universities' profiles
Recommendation Letter Feature
Positions you apply
100 -
Educations you create
6 -
Promoted Education
1 -
Premium -
Matched to applicants
CV, SoP, SL and CL samples
365 Days -
Max. Skills you select
Group Membership
79$ / For 1 YearPackage Features:
a-index (PhD) calculation
Supervisors you see
Unlimited -
Supervisors with grants
Add supervisors manually
Notes on supervisors' profiles
Notes on universities' profiles
Recommendation Letter Feature
Positions you apply
120 -
Educations you create
6 -
Promoted Education
1 -
Premium -
Matched to applicants
CV, SoP, SL and CL samples
365 Days -
Max. Skills you select
Gold Membership
199$ / For 1 YearPackage Features:
Max Positions you create
4 -
Promoted Positions
1 -
Matched to applicants
Automated shortlisting of applicants
Access to the pool of matched applicants
365 Days
VIP Membership
399$ / For 5 YearsPackage Features:
Max Positions you create
25 -
Promoted Positions
5 -
Matched to applicants
Automated shortlisting of applicants
Access to the pool of matched applicants
1825 Days