
About “Phillip Nichols”

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I am an Associate Professor in the UWA School of Agriculture and Environment and the Institute of Agriculture. My main research expertise is in the breeding, genetics, agronomy and ecology of pasture legumes. I have a particular interest in the translation of discoveries in plant physiology, plant pathology, entomology, molecular biology and engineering into applied research outcomes that benefit farmers. I transferred to UWA in January 2019, after 33 years in the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and two years prior to that with the New South Wales government. I have bred 22 pasture legume cultivars, including 19 subterranean clovers, two lucernes and Neptune messina. My current projects are as the Plant Breeder on a Joint Venture between UWA and PGG Wrightson Seeds to breed new cultivars of annual pasture legumes and I lead an AgriFuture Australia-funded project to develop improved methods of harvesting subterranean clover and annual medic seeds. I also led a recently completed Meat & Livestock Australia-funded project on pre-breeding in annual legumes and various projects in pastures for saline soils, leading to the development of messina as a new agricultural species.