Email Verified Mahsa Kianinia
Member since September 11, 2022

Responsibility / Good time management / Research and analytical skills / Flexibility / Creativity / Teamwork

I’m Mahsa Kianinia. M.Sc. in chemical engineering graduate from Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran with a GPA of 18.66/20. I have a strong desire to continue in Ph.D. My decision for applying for a Ph.D. is because of my long-term interest in the field of engineering and research.
I’ve completed my master thesis on modeling porous media by pore network model. I have used image processing tools and MATLAB code to estimate the pore size and permeability of several porous media images.
Most crucially, I’m quite eager to do laboratory work and experimental study in all fields of chemical engineering. I am a very hardworking person and I am sure that I will succeed in all fields.
I am keenly interested in joining the research team as a Ph.D. student.


Bachelor GPA (%)


Master GPA (%)


English Score




Academic gap years



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Sahand University of Technology
Overall GPA (%):  90
Sahand University of Technology
Overall GPA (%):  93

List of Publications (Papers, Book Chapters, Reviews, etc.)

Insight into the design and optimization of extractive distillation for separating the acetone/n-heptane binary azeotrope mixture

Insight into the design and optimization of extractive distillation for separating the acetone/n-heptane binary azeotrope mixture

Estimation of pore size and permeability in porous media using image processing

Estimation of pore size and permeability in porous media using image processing

Efficient Production of Light Olefin Based on Methanol Dehydration: Simulation and Design Improvement

Efficient Production of Light Olefin Based on Methanol Dehydration: Simulation and Design Improvement

List of Conference/Congress/Symposium Attendance

  • Simulation of olefin production process from methanol using Aspen HYSYS software (2020)

  • Oral Presentation

  • Investigation of the effect of hot water flow rate for heating the air used in dryers by Aspen HYSYS (2019)

  • Poster presentation

Teaching Experience(s)

Software Workshop (MATLAB)

  •  Sahand University of Technology (E-learning center).
  •  Jan 2022 - Jun 2022

I was a lecturer and I taught MATLAB at Sahand University of Technology (E-learning center).

computational methods in chemical engineering

  •  Amir kabir university of technology
  •  Oct 2021 - Feb 2022

I was a Teaching Assistant in computational methods in chemical engineering at the AmirKabir University of Technology.

Fluid Mechanics I in Chemical Engineering course

  •  Sahand University of Technology
  •  Sep 2019 - May 2020

I was a Teaching Assistant in Fluid Mechanics I in Chemical Engineering course at the Sahand University of Technology.