Email Verified Carmelina Suquere de Moraes
Member since February 19, 2023

I am a person committed to work and studies, I would like an opportunity to improve the studies I have been doing about integrative lighting and energy efficiency

Architect and Urban Planner. Master in Building and Environmental 
Engineering, in the area of ​​Environmental Comfort and Energy Efficiency
 and PhD student in Architectural Design at UFRGS. Research activities 
carried out in the areas of Environmental Comfort and Energy Efficiency.
 Professor of the Architecture and Urbanism course at the University 
Center of Várzea Grande - UNIVAG, teaching disciplines related to the 
area of ​​Comfort in the Built Environment. And currently Coordinator 
of the Architecture and Urbanism course at the University Center 
of Várzea Grande - MT


Bachelor GPA (%)


Master GPA (%)


English Score




Academic gap years



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