
  • // UK
  • University/Institute Name Keele University
  • Attendance Type On Campus
  • Position Duration3 years
  • Position Funding Type Determined Upon Application Review

Position Details (PhD Program)

Management at Keele University undertakes critical inquiry into a number of themes within management including: Culture and organisation, Ethnographic Research, Gender, organisations and work, Philosophical and Methodological Inquiry, consumption and regulation and Markets.


Work under the theme of Management , Organisation and Workplace Relations at Keele University includes analyses of post-industrial and knowledge-driven service work; ‘corporate culturism’ – power and identity; management innovations; organizational transformation and change; and poststructural examinations of ‘emotional’ or ‘aesthetic labour’.


  • Work on Gender includes: masculinity at work in organizations; gender identities in organisations and institutions; and gender and consumption.
  • Work on consumption and markets include: analyses of the changing nature of consumption; consumption, culture and knowledge production; and critical analyses of rationality in accounting regulations, economics, and public sector organizations.

Research Areas & Fields of Study involved in the position

Which language proficiency is required?

Position Start Date