Email Verified Arzu İrem Çelik
Member since August 16, 2022

Hi, I'm İrem.

I am Arzu İrem ÇELİK, a 3rd-year chemistry student at İzmir Institute of Technology.

I supported high-level laboratory and theoretical courses in my 1-year English preparatory and 3-year chemistry education at Izmir Institute of Technology. I got the opportunity to learn and utilize various instruments in the laboratories of main chemistry courses such as Instrumental Analysis, Inorganic, Analytical, Organic, Physical, and General Chemistry.

In the research laboratory of Ümit Hakan Yıldız, which I started as a volunteer undergraduate intern in February 2020, I consolidated my academic knowledge by using it in the laboratory environment. In addition to my core courses, I try to improve myself by learning new methods and new information by being involved in research projects carried out by the BioSense & Bioapps research group. In the BioSense & BioApps research group, I took part in studies on polymer synthesis, purification, characterization, and applications. Meanwhile, I learned to use FTIR, NMR, 3D-bioprinting, and MEW methods.

In addition to my academic life, I took part in many activities carried out by the innovation community established at the Izmir Institute of Technology. For social responsibility, I took part in the preparation of journals for primary school students that direct them to science and research.


Bachelor GPA (%)


Master GPA (%)


English Score




Academic gap years



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Izmir Institute of Technology
Overall GPA (%):  83